SA Update
Sam Woods
SA Junior Go Karting Championship July 2021
Learn to fly the Winch or Aerotow Adelaide Uni GC, August 2021
Social Flying Event Location depending on interest, September 2021
XC Regatta/Coaching Location depending on entries, October 2021
Contact: or 0413 704 805
July ’21 – SA Junior Go Karting Championship
A fun event to take your skills to the track, for an afternoon of racing fun! This will be a great opportunity to meet other juniors in a relaxed social environment, where we will discuss flying and future AJGC events as well!
August ’21 – Learn to fly the Winch or Aerotow
South Australian Gliding clubs generally use either winch or aerotow. Why not learn both?
Aerotow operators can experience the exhilaration of a winch launch, and learn the safety benefits it teaches through the handling of simulated launch failures with an experienced instructor.
Additionally, winch pilots can learn aerotow launching, which is necessary to take part in most competitions.
This event will take place at the Adelaide Uni Gliding Club in Stonefield, SA – as we have facilities to safely operate both aerotow and winch on the same day.
September ’21 – Social Flying Event
A relaxed social flying event towards the end of September. This is not a competition, so there is no pressure to perform – just fly around and have a blast with your mates! Chat on the local frequency and share some stories after the flight.
This will be run towards the end of September. Location will be either Stonefield (AUGC), Balaklava or Gawler (ASC) depending on pilot entries.
October ’21 – XC Regatta
A fun way to get into cross country flying for pilots who are ready. This will be a very low-key competition, with a focus on safety and fun!
Coaching will likely be available. Location will be determined by pilot entries and their winch/aerotow preference. Further details coming soon.